,,Packet was modified"

Hi... this packets make problem...

check on time 18:20 on the log, time 18:40 and 19:39

and..... this
[19:54:57] [part] megakiler has left the server (33:1)
[19:55:00] [chat] [Don]: je tu nejakej march co mi poradi:::
[19:55:00] [part] keeman has left the server (116:1)
[19:55:00] [part] BIG has left the server (51:0)
[19:55:00] [chat] [(HTS)ArchAngel]: jooooooo
[19:55:00] [part] VITAS has left the server (3:0)
[19:55:01] [part] [other]emilian has left the server (17:0)
[19:55:01] [chat] [malatar]: dane jsi tu
[19:55:01] [part] MAros has left the server (27:0)
[19:55:01] [part] lacrimus has left the server (41:0)
[19:55:01] [part] rXi9 has left the server (108:0)
[19:55:02] [part] kalitry has left the server (1:0)
[19:55:02] [part] Gnalii has left the server (49:0)
[19:55:02] [part] _THS]ChooSe has left the server (56:0)
[19:55:02] [part] REmaskotri has left the server (58:0)
[19:55:02] [part] ShotKiller has left the server (55:0)
[19:55:02] [part] FruFru has left the server (119:1)
[19:55:03] Incoming connection:
[19:55:03] [part] RESvoro has left the server (31:0)
[19:55:03] [join] _RS_Koby has joined the server (1:
[19:55:03] [part] [Dr]KiLL has left the server (114:0)
[19:55:04] [part] Crazwin has left the server (93:0)
[19:55:04] [part] Rambo1 has left the server (12:0)
[19:55:04] [part] plasik has left the server (25:0)
[19:55:04] Incoming connection:
[19:55:04] [join] BIG has joined the server (3:
[19:55:04] [part] Svejkov has left the server (50:0)
[19:55:04] [part] Shark has left the server (10:0)
[19:55:04] [part] MrCiao has left the server (30:0)
[19:55:05] [part] [Mr.]Austin has left the server (70:0)
[19:55:06] [part] Didi has left the server (120:0)
[19:55:06] [part] mayhem321 has left the server (44:0)
[19:55:06] [part] psik has left the server (129:0)
[19:55:06] [part] zohan has left the server (46:0)
[19:55:07] [part] Marax has left the server (59:0)
[19:55:07] [part] Dexter has left the server (71:0)
[19:55:09] [part] Enzuccio has left the server (95:0)

Messages In This Thread
,,Packet was modified" - by Wojta - 19.11.2010, 11:30
Re: ,,Packet was modified" - by Slice - 19.11.2010, 12:16
Respuesta: ,,Packet was modified" - by SuperMarioRol - 19.11.2010, 12:25
Re: ,,Packet was modified" - by DVDK - 19.11.2010, 12:29
Re: ,,Packet was modified" - by Slice - 19.11.2010, 12:30
Re: ,,Packet was modified" - by Wojta - 19.11.2010, 12:33
Re: ,,Packet was modified" - by Wojta - 23.11.2010, 18:20
Re: ,,Packet was modified" - by Wojta - 25.11.2010, 14:10
Re: ,,Packet was modified" - by gin - 29.11.2010, 11:13

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