23.11.2010, 07:21
Here is the new version:
New natives:
Be sure to read the new notes from the first post, particularly the one about the new global cell in this version that contains all items with large streaming distances.
Please post here if you find any bugs.
v2.5.1: - Made cell boundaries contiguous - Improved speed of spatial queries - Fixed visibility of items with large streaming distances - Added natives for attaching areas to players and vehicles - Implemented functionality for adding and removing multiple virtual worlds, interiors, and players to and from items |
pawn Код:
native Streamer_IsInArrayData(type, {Text3D,_}:id, data, value);
native Streamer_AppendArrayData(type, {Text3D,_}:id, data, value);
native Streamer_RemoveArrayData(type, {Text3D,_}:id, data, value);
native AttachDynamicAreaToPlayer(areaid, playerid);
native AttachDynamicAreaToVehicle(areaid, vehicleid);
Please post here if you find any bugs.