my code is big?

Your code aint that big. I once had a cmd on a script that used almost 150 lines.

Messages In This Thread
my code is big? - by oOegyptOo - 22.11.2010, 21:38
Re: my code is big? - by FreshDoubleX - 22.11.2010, 21:40
Re: my code is big? - by The_Gangstas - 22.11.2010, 21:45
Re: my code is big? - by oOegyptOo - 22.11.2010, 21:46
Re: my code is big? - by oOegyptOo - 22.11.2010, 21:48
Re: my code is big? - by FreshDoubleX - 22.11.2010, 21:49
Re: my code is big? - by Steven82 - 22.11.2010, 22:15

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