20.11.2010, 02:07
Okay so i managed to get vehicles to stop spawning but it stopped every vehicle from spawning i tried using
AddStaticVehicle/Ex/CreateVehicle Still wouldnt spawn i added this also
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_VEHICLES; i++)
Still nothing, here is the code i was using to create vehicles
I added DestroyVehicle(vehicleid); under OnVehicleDeath but well idk how to add if statements unders OnVehicleDeath as everything i was trying would give me similar results to this
function heading differs from prototype
Any help would be Awsome!
AddStaticVehicle/Ex/CreateVehicle Still wouldnt spawn i added this also
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_VEHICLES; i++)
Still nothing, here is the code i was using to create vehicles
I added DestroyVehicle(vehicleid); under OnVehicleDeath but well idk how to add if statements unders OnVehicleDeath as everything i was trying would give me similar results to this
function heading differs from prototype
Any help would be Awsome!