Request for an Elegy skin!

Are there any modlers out there that want to do something very kind that will help me a bunch?

You don't even have to be really good, I'm just asking for someone who could do it.

There is this clan and server I'm in (EDT Elite Drift Team)
We are in desperate need of some new Elegy skins (Well I think so) We have a few, but those aren't for the original Elegy.

So if someone would be so kind in making a skin with EDT on it, any font any color, any size.

You can be creative bye adding pictures, or you just just be plain by just putting EDT somewhere on it.
(Beggers can't be choosers :P)

If you are intrested in doing this, PM me or comment please!

I may pay you with something on my server (I co-own it)

Messages In This Thread
Request for an Elegy skin! - by [EDT]Marcus_Von - 19.11.2010, 20:35
Re: Request for an Elegy skin! - by saiberfun - 19.11.2010, 21:32
Re: Request for an Elegy skin! - by WillyP - 19.11.2010, 21:33
Re: Request for an Elegy skin! - by [EDT]Marcus_Von - 19.11.2010, 21:36
Re: Request for an Elegy skin! - by saiberfun - 19.11.2010, 21:38
Re: Request for an Elegy skin! - by WillyP - 19.11.2010, 21:39
Re: Request for an Elegy skin! - by [EDT]Marcus_Von - 19.11.2010, 21:40
Re: Request for an Elegy skin! - by [EDT]Marcus_Von - 20.11.2010, 14:59
Re: Request for an Elegy skin! - by WillyP - 20.11.2010, 15:04
Re: Request for an Elegy skin! - by [EDT]Marcus_Von - 20.11.2010, 15:11

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