Vehicle Garage Help

Okay I'm trying to make a garage system for my serv.

Everything works accept... The car doesn't spawn in the garage where I want it to, here take a look

			new Float:CarGaragex = GarageInfo[playerid][gGarageParkX];
			new Float:CarGaragey = GarageInfo[playerid][gGarageParkY];
			new Float:CarGaragez = GarageInfo[playerid][gGarageParkZ];
			new garageint = GarageInfo[playerid][gGarageInt];
			new garagevw = GarageInfo[playerid][gGarageVW];
			playercarid[playerid] = CreateVehicle(CarId,CarGaragex,CarGaragey,CarGaragez,Carangle,randcolor,randcolor,300000);
Can somebody figure this out? I go in the garage and I don't see a car, what's the deal? =o

Messages In This Thread
Vehicle Garage Help - by Lars_Frederiksen - 17.11.2010, 23:27
Re: Vehicle Garage Help - by gesior7 - 25.11.2010, 12:14

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