The signatures thread (It'd be nice if this could get stickied)

I like your newest one the most, except the 'R' is too pixelated for my personal taste. And the yellow on the far right is all too bright as well. Really throws it off.

The Cybernetic one is alright, but it just doesn't flow for some odd reason. The bottom should have some form of something going on. I cannot put my finger on it, but it's missing something.

Cyberno has no flow at all, sorry to say. Might look a lot better without the text, or a different font.

And the very first one is just too bright near the bottom. Maybe change the contrast/brightness ratio. The text stands out too much, and it's rather large for a signature.

Zh3r0, if you're not going to provide anything beneficial to the thread, piss off. Your graphics aren't that great, to be honest. You're just another arrogant member on SA:MP; leave, please.

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