
Wow, forgot about that... >_>

1. Open your .pwn script in the program.
2. Go to file, then click "save" when done editing.
3. Go to build, then click "compile".

Or, as a shortcut, you can press:

1. CTRL + S
2. F5

If you compile, after saving, and get "errors", a .amx will NOT, repeat, WILL NOT be made.
Those errors will need to be fixed if you get them.

Messages In This Thread
US-RP - by Marty_Alex - 11.11.2010, 00:30
Re: US-RP - by Las Venturas CNR - 11.11.2010, 00:33
Re: US-RP - by Marty_Alex - 11.11.2010, 01:13
Re: US-RP - by Memoryz - 11.11.2010, 01:18
Re: US-RP - by Haydz - 11.11.2010, 01:21
Re: US-RP - by Marty_Alex - 11.11.2010, 01:21
Re: US-RP - by SuperS82 - 11.11.2010, 01:25
Re: US-RP - by Las Venturas CNR - 11.11.2010, 01:37
Re: US-RP - by Marty_Alex - 11.11.2010, 01:48
Re: US-RP - by Hal - 11.11.2010, 01:59

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