[GameMode] [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc

[GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | by Zuc


This gamemode is my Best Gamemode i've ever created. It's been really hard to create.
I've spent so many days to make it, test it and fix a lot of bugs. There were really
a lot because it's my first Gamemode in this MODE and i wasn't an expert.

To use this Gamemode you don't need to install anything.
But there is an application (like in my WFM gamemode) called "SAMP_SERVER.exe".
It's the file you have to start for GM. it's better than original "samp-server.exe"
because if you have a server Crash, it will restart automatically!!!

In ZCops Vs Criminals there are 4 aviable missions for CRIMINALS.
1 Car Steal,
1 Secret Documents steal.

In this server we need a simple system for a good BALANCE of COPS and CRIMINALS.
It works good, so Can't be too many cops or too many Criminals.
There are 4 "teams":
- Police;
- S.W.A.T;
- FBI;
Criminals can't drive cops vehicles (cops=police,swat,fbi,army).

*** You can see here how it looks like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsAoCYogbVs


To make yourself admin in this Gamemode you have to do the following things:
- register: /register [password]
- login as RCON ADMIN: /rcon login [password]
- type command /makemegodadmin
NOW you're admin level 10 (the highest).
to see all aviable Admin Commands use command /acmd

To make someone admin, you have to use a simple command:
/makeadmin [id] [level]
EXAMPLE: i'm ADMIN and i want to make admin level 4 a friend.
My friend has ID:9 so i'll tipe the following command: /makeadmin 9 4
Now my friend is ADMIN level 4. (but he MUST be registered before using that cmd).


When you join in server, the first thing you have to do is Choose your language:
- Italian
- English
I'm sorry but i don't know other languages well.
All texts in server will be written to a in the language he has choosen.
(except only some texts like the REPORT TO POLICE and RADIO CRIMINAL).

For all commands you have to type this: /cmds
You'll see a cmdlist.
There are also other commands about server: /help and /info
But when you join for the first time, you could type /tutorial.
It's an antumatic Description and you'll understand all about server.

One of the particular commands is /savepersonalvehicle.
If you're registered and you use it in a vehicle, you'll save that vehicle as PERSONAL.
When you connect in server, your vehicle will be CREATED.
When you Disconnect, it will be Destroyed.
If you want to save an other vehicle, you cant do it! But you can REPLACE it typing this cmd:


There are 3 car shops in this gamemode:
It sells 4 cars:
- Savanna
- Broadway
- Feltzer
- Slamvan

It sells 5 Sport Cars:
- Infernus
- Banshee
- Turismo
- Bullet
- ZR-350

It sells 14 vehicles (3 cars and 11 bikes):
- Manana
- Perennial
- Esperanto
- NRG-500
- FCR-900
- PCJ-600
- Go kart
- Faggio
- Sanchez
- Freeway
- Quad
- Bike
- Mountain Bike


This is the list of aviable admin commands in GM:
- /acmd ==> shows admin cmds list
- /reports => shows the last report (used by players with command /report [id] [reason]
- /spec [id] => enables SPECTATING MODE on a player.
- /specoff => disable SPECTATING MODE.
- /getip [id] => gets IP and last names of a player.
- /mute [id] [minutes] => mutes a players for minutes (min=1; max=10).
- /unmute [id] => unmutes a muted player.
- /kick [id] [reason] => kicks a player!
- /ban [id] [reason] => bans a player!
- /jail [id] => jails a player.
- /unjail [id] => unjails a player.
- /freeze [id] => freezes a player.
- /unfreeze [id] => unfreezes a player.
- /goto [id] => teleports you to a player.
- /get [id] => teleports to you a player.
- /die [id] => kills a player.
- /makeadmin [id] [level] => makes a player admin.
- /cchat => clears chat window.
- /makemegodadmin => makes you admin LVL 10! (only if you're logged as RCON ADMIN).

- /zvhealth => modifies Vehicle Health System options.


There are some gang zones:
They are all Mision Zones, Car Shops Zones, Cops Zones.



The best thing i've made in this gamemode is BUSTING system for COPS.
If you know NEED FOR SPEED, when police is catching you, you see your "BUSTED" line.
When it's FULL you're BUSTED! I've made the same thing in this Gamemode!!!
The criminals see the "BUSTED" line and COPS see a GameText when they are catching you!
This system had a lot of bugs originally, so i had to work a lot to fix them.
Now it's PERFECT!

I've built a good TAXI SYSTEM with 6 stops:
- Car shop 1;
- Police Station;
- Bank;
- Car Shop 2;
- Airport.
Taxi is driven by BOTS! there are 30 recordings only for this system!
When you enter in a taxi, you'll see a DIALOG. In this dialog there are
the 6 destinations! You select your destination and Taxi will take you there!
It tells you also how much time it takes.

There is also a simple BANCOMAT SYSTEM.
You can save all your money there! If someone kills you, you lost ALL YOUR MONEY!
But you'll not loose saved money in BANCOMAT!
To go to the Bancomat, you have to enter in mini-checkpoint in front of BANCOMAT.
To see an example of BANCOMAT, look description with command /tutorial.
Bancomat places are 5:
- Bank;
- Police Station;
- Airport;
- Railway Station;
- Palace near WANG CARS (car shop1).
BANCOMATS are shown with this ICON in MAP:
* https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Image:Icon_41.gif


..:: VIDEO ::..

Have fun! Post comments in This Topic!

Messages In This Thread
[GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by [ZFM]Zuc - 09.11.2010, 14:59
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by micaca - 09.11.2010, 17:28
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by Brian_Furious - 09.11.2010, 17:35
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by Miado_Hulk - 09.11.2010, 18:01
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by [ZFM]Zuc - 09.11.2010, 18:25
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by Kuulp2he - 10.11.2010, 19:21
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by Zh3r0 - 10.11.2010, 19:31
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by Kuulp2he - 10.11.2010, 19:32
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by Sean_Paul - 10.11.2010, 21:02
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by Sean_Paul - 10.11.2010, 21:04
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by [ZFM]Zuc - 10.11.2010, 21:22
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by Sean_Paul - 10.11.2010, 21:27
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by [ZFM]Zuc - 10.11.2010, 21:40
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by Sean_Paul - 10.11.2010, 21:41
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by [ZFM]Zuc - 12.11.2010, 13:14
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by Abraham2nd - 13.11.2010, 01:11
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by [ZFM]Zuc - 13.11.2010, 10:07
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by Abraham2nd - 13.11.2010, 10:16
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by Abraham2nd - 13.11.2010, 12:17
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by Skaizo - 13.11.2010, 15:15
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by Abraham2nd - 13.11.2010, 16:43
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by huyhung65ht - 13.11.2010, 16:46
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by Dr.Ghost - 16.11.2010, 03:06
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by Fool - 16.11.2010, 16:51
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by arasone - 17.11.2010, 06:35
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by [ZFM]Zuc - 22.12.2010, 13:46
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by wolfcock - 17.01.2011, 13:41
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by snoops - 17.01.2011, 19:02
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by SkizzoTrick - 17.01.2011, 19:25
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by nielsbon1 - 12.06.2011, 19:53
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by Ntmx - 22.09.2018, 05:51
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by maaakichuuuu - 22.09.2018, 15:01
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by S3DOx - 22.09.2018, 15:32
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by maaakichuuuu - 23.09.2018, 06:52
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by Variable™ - 23.09.2018, 08:21
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by Mobtiesgangsa - 23.09.2018, 12:26
Re: [GM]ZCops_VS_Criminals | NFS Catch system | Taxi Bots System | by Zuc - by Dainteresebuli - 07.10.2018, 16:03

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