How do I print it several times? (As many times as files)

Hi there.
I want the code below to be posted as many times as it is files in the folder Vehicles (1 time is only Vehicle_1.ini 2 times if Vehicle_1.ini and Vehicle_2.ini exists and so on) and have the right stuff for all of it, is there an easy way to do this? (exept from making the codes several times)

new vehfile1[256];
	format(vehfile1, sizeof(vehfile1), "Vehicles/Vehicle_1.ini");
		new VehInfo1;
        VehInfo1 = dini_Int(vehfile1, "Owner");
        new VehInfo2;
        VehInfo2 = dini_Int(vehfile1, "Faction");
        new VehInfo3;
        VehInfo3 = dini_Int(vehfile1, "X");
        new VehInfo4;
        VehInfo4 = dini_Int(vehfile1, "Y");
        new VehInfo5;
        VehInfo5 = dini_Int(vehfile1, "Z");
        new VehInfo6;
        VehInfo6 = dini_Int(vehfile1, "Zangle");
        new VehInfo7;
        VehInfo7 = dini_Int(vehfile1, "Locked");
        new VehInfo8;
        VehInfo8 = dini_Int(vehfile1, "Plate");
        new VehInfo9;
        VehInfo9 = dini_Int(vehfile1, "Model");
        new VehInfo10;
        VehInfo10 = dini_Int(vehfile1, "Color1");
        new VehInfo11;
        VehInfo11 = dini_Int(vehfile1, "Color2");
        CreateVehicle(VehInfo9, VehInfo3, VehInfo4, VehInfo5, VehInfo6, VehInfo10, VehInfo11, 10800);
        print("Vehicle 1 initiated");

Messages In This Thread
How do I print it several times? (As many times as files) - by Kyle_Olsen - 08.11.2010, 12:35
Re: How do I print it several times? (As many times as files) - by rbN. - 08.11.2010, 13:54
Re: How do I print it several times? (As many times as files) - by Kyle_Olsen - 08.11.2010, 15:19

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