[HELP] error 010: invalid function or declaration

Originally Posted by -Luis
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pawn Код:
if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, 15, 1589.053344, -1638.123168, 14.122960))
    if( Player[playerid][Group] == 1)
        MoveDynamicObject(pdgate1,1599.053344,-1638.123168,14.122960, 0.8);
        SetTimer("GateClose", 12000, 0);

G:\FreshGE(Samod) V2.0\gamemodes\rtprp2.pwn(3133 : error 054: unmatched closing brace ("}")

this error got fixed

G:\FreshGE(Samod) V2.0\gamemodes\rtprp2.pwn(31331) : error 010: invalid function or declaration

but i still have this error left : |


Did you enum of whatever you did in this if(Player

Thanx for the tip but i'm just making my first steps into samp scripting my knowlage is more then poor at the moment
so it would be real helpfull for me if you tell me how do i enum ? (p.s. to be honest i don't even know what enum is )

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