Vehicle respawn

pawn Код:
native CreateVehicle(modelid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:angle, color1, color2, respawn_delay)
native AddStaticVehicleEx(modelid, Float:spawn_x, Float:spawn_y, Float:spawn_z, Float:angle, color1, color2, respawn_delay)
Use these natives with a respawn_delay of -1

Messages In This Thread
Vehicle respawn - by Aguylera - 31.10.2010, 10:23
Re: Vehicle respawn - by Nero_3D - 31.10.2010, 10:49
Respuesta: Vehicle respawn - by Aguylera - 31.10.2010, 11:29
Re: Vehicle respawn - by Nero_3D - 31.10.2010, 12:52

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