30.10.2010, 23:11
Last edited by Double-O-Seven; 30/10/2010 at 11:41 PM.
Southclaw, this is very easy! I'll give you a GetDistanceFromPointToLine function. (fast one, no loop)
//EDIT: Here you go!
Save it as include to be able to use the native declaration for easier usage (display for arguments).
This function could be used for a very effective head shot script!
All headshots script I have seen in this forum were using loops to check if a player is aiming at the head of someone. This is not efficient.
The cross product of the camera vector and the vector defined by the camera position and the position of the players head.
//EDIT: Here you go!
pawn Code:
#include <a_samp>
#if defined _gdfptl_included
#define _gdfptl_included
native crossp(Float:v1x, Float:v1y, Float:v1z, Float:v2x, Float:v2y, Float:v2z, &Float:output);
native GetDistanceFromPointToLine(&Float:distance, Float:line_vector_x, Float:line_vector_y, Float:line_vector_z, Float:line_x, Float:line_y, Float:line_z, Float:point_x, Float:point_y, Float:point_z);
stock crossp(Float:v1x, Float:v1y, Float:v1z, Float:v2x, Float:v2y, Float:v2z, &Float:output)
Float:c1 = (v1y * v2z) - (v1z * v2y),
Float:c2 = (v1z * v2x) - (v1x * v2z),
Float:c3 = (v1x * v2y) - (v1y * v2x);
output = floatsqroot ((c1 * c1) + (c2 * c2) + (c3 * c3));
return 0;
stock GetDistanceFromPointToLine(&Float:distance, Float:line_vector_x, Float:line_vector_y, Float:line_vector_z, Float:line_x, Float:line_y, Float:line_z, Float:point_x, Float:point_y, Float:point_z)
//A line is defined by a point (which is on the line (line_x/y/z)) and a vector which defines the direction (line_vector_x/y/z).
new Float:output;
crossp(line_vector_x, line_vector_y, line_vector_z, point_x - line_x, point_y - line_y, point_z - line_z, output);//Cross product of 2 vectors.
distance = output / floatsqroot ((line_vector_x * line_vector_x) + (line_vector_y * line_vector_y) + (line_vector_z * line_vector_z));
return 0;
This function could be used for a very effective head shot script!
All headshots script I have seen in this forum were using loops to check if a player is aiming at the head of someone. This is not efficient.
The cross product of the camera vector and the vector defined by the camera position and the position of the players head.