[HELP] Update3DTextLabelText

Ok, i made it so all these 3Dlabels appear, but now when you type '/businessname' or '/sellbusiness' , it keeps the old 3Dlabel, plus adds the new, leaving 2 labels in place.

Here is where the labels first get created:

new buss1[128];
new buss2[128];
new buss3[128];
new Text3D:BIZ1;
new Text3D:BIZ2;
new Text3D:BIZ3;
					for(new h = 0; h < sizeof(Businesses); h++)
						if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 30, Businesses[h][bExteriorX], Businesses[h][bExteriorY], Businesses[h][bExteriorZ]) )
							if(GetPlayerVirtualWorld( i ) == 0 )
								if( strcmp(Businesses[h][bOwner], "Nobody", true) == 0 )
									if(Businesses[h][bPrice] == -1)
										 format(buss1,128, "Business ID: %d \n (%s) Unavailable", h, Businesses[h][bName]);
										 BIZ1 = Create3DTextLabel( buss1 , ORANGE, Businesses[h][bExteriorX], Businesses[h][bExteriorY], Businesses[h][bExteriorZ], 20, 0 );
										format(buss2,128, "Business ID: %d \n (%s) \n Available to buy for %d (/buybusiness).", h, Businesses[h][bName], Businesses[h][bPrice]);
                                        BIZ2 = Create3DTextLabel( buss2 , ORANGE, Businesses[h][bExteriorX], Businesses[h][bExteriorY], Businesses[h][bExteriorZ], 20, 0 );
									format(buss3,128, "Business ID: %d \n (%s) \n Owner: %s", h, Businesses[h][bName], Businesses[h][bOwner]);
                                    BIZ3 = Create3DTextLabel( buss3 , ORANGE, Businesses[h][bExteriorX], Businesses[h][bExteriorY], Businesses[h][bExteriorZ], 20, 0 );
Here is the command:
	command(businessname, playerid, params[])
		new Name[255], string[ 128 ];
		if( sscanf( params, "z", Name) )
			SendClientMessage( playerid, WHITE, "SYNTAX: /businessname [New Name]" );
			if(strlen(Name) >= 1 && strlen(Name) < 15)
				if(strfind(Name, "~", true) )
					format( string, sizeof( string ), "You have changed your business name to %s.", Name);
					SendClientMessage( playerid, WHITE, string);
                    Update3DTextLabelText(Text3D:BIZ1, ORANGE, buss1);
					Update3DTextLabelText(Text3D:BIZ2, ORANGE, buss2);
                    Update3DTextLabelText(Text3D:BIZ3, ORANGE, buss3);
					Businesses[Player[playerid][Business]][bName] = Name;
					SendClientMessage( playerid, WHITE, "You may not use the '~' character." );

				SendClientMessage( playerid, WHITE, "Names must be shorter than 15 characters, and higher than 1 character." );
		return 1;
Please help, thank you.

Messages In This Thread
[HELP] Update3DTextLabelText - by Camacorn - 30.10.2010, 04:01
Re: [HELP] Update3DTextLabelText - by Miguel - 30.10.2010, 04:20
Re: [HELP] Update3DTextLabelText - by Camacorn - 30.10.2010, 04:23
Re: [HELP] Update3DTextLabelText - by Miguel - 30.10.2010, 04:30
Re: [HELP] Update3DTextLabelText - by Camacorn - 30.10.2010, 04:37
Re: [HELP] Update3DTextLabelText - by Miguel - 30.10.2010, 04:51
Re: [HELP] Update3DTextLabelText - by Camacorn - 30.10.2010, 05:16
Re: [HELP] Update3DTextLabelText - by Camacorn - 30.10.2010, 11:36
Re: [HELP] Update3DTextLabelText - by Miguel - 30.10.2010, 14:28

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