29.10.2010, 20:10
Nice. I think you did copy this because 1.) vicious uploaded the same TYPE of script and a week later you released it, and they have a similar code. 2.) You act like you dont give a two shits. You said "Upload the script and see what it looks like" translation- Fuck you all im to lazy to upload one so just use the damn script and see! That doesnt make you look cool, it makes you look like a dick. Trust me, you dont wanna become known as a dick on sa-mp. It really pisses me off that you think your the almighty savior of PAWN with this statment, "I Uploaded It, Are You Blind? I Just Wanted To Upload It First Time Showing It Works Not Just Showing The TextDraw, But I Didn't Find A God Tester." And learn some grammer, capitalizing all letters makes you look mental, it looks good in PAWN but not on forums. If you made this good job for first. If you editted Viciouses (no offence) fuck you for stealing. Sorry for this long ass post but i think i have over 8 words