samp-server.exe not staying open???

Yes just scripted it...Besides i just re-installed it all,The CFG is on GrandLarc....Should work...The window opens for 1 sec the closes....It dont stay open:S

EDIT: OMG i read log and it said error plz change the RCON pass xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Now it works.....



Messages In This Thread
samp-server.exe not staying open??? - by <Weponz> - 26.10.2010, 13:44
Re: samp-server.exe not staying open??? - by SampStunta - 26.10.2010, 14:16
Re: samp-server.exe not staying open??? - by <Weponz> - 26.10.2010, 14:21
Re: samp-server.exe not staying open??? - by Scenario - 26.10.2010, 14:53

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