26.10.2010, 14:07
Thats not what i had in mind,
the levels are defined like this:
and the exp goes like: Current Exp/Next Level Exp
so if i have first level and 5678 exp it would look like:
5678 / 18975 and the bar should be filling as he gains exp, the method u gave , well i dont' know how to use it.
the levels are defined like this:
pawn Код:
new LevelExp[40] = {5000, 18975, 30871, 41238, 52567, 63809, 75961, ......};
so if i have first level and 5678 exp it would look like:
5678 / 18975 and the bar should be filling as he gains exp, the method u gave , well i dont' know how to use it.