Is this possible? Force to aim

Hello I was trying to make this command so when you type /launchgun it will detect if you're surfing on a Launch boat, if yes you will be forced to aim and can't stop aiming untill you type /launchgun again.. So this is possible to force a person to aim, and when he type /launchgun again he can stop aiming.. I never thought this was possible, if yes, please tell me how or give a code


Messages In This Thread
Is this possible? Force to aim - by admantis - 24.10.2010, 02:58
Re: Is this possible? Force to aim - by Hal - 24.10.2010, 03:32
Respuesta: Is this possible? Force to aim - by admantis - 24.10.2010, 03:34
Re: Is this possible? Force to aim - by DreaD - 24.10.2010, 06:05
Re: Is this possible? Force to aim - by MacOSXFan - 24.10.2010, 06:40

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