Blueberry Acres - Freeze

Hello! Everytime I go to Blueberry Acres, I instantly freeze, and have to shut down GTA and on again. Its really annoying! How do I fix this? I've restarted my computer, reinstalled GTA and everything...

Messages In This Thread
Blueberry Acres - Freeze - by Chrham_2 - 23.10.2010, 11:45
Re: Blueberry Acres - Freeze - by Aleron - 23.10.2010, 12:50
Re: Blueberry Acres - Freeze - by Chrham_2 - 23.10.2010, 13:26
Re: Blueberry Acres - Freeze - by Ruffles. - 23.10.2010, 13:56
Re: Blueberry Acres - Freeze - by TheHoodRat - 23.10.2010, 15:01

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