[Help] Stats in Dialog

new coordsstring[128];
        format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring),"| %s (%d) |\n",name, targetid);
        format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "| Level: %d | Spol: %s | Godine: %d | Novac: $%d | Banka: $%d | Ph: %d | Donator Rank: %s |\n",coordsstring, level,atext,age,cash,account,pnumber,drank);
        format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "| Igra sati: %d | Igra minuta: %d | Igra sekunda: %d | Najveca riba: %d | Puta uhicen: %d |\n",coordsstring,(ptime / 3600), (ptime / 60), ptime,bigfish,arrests);
        format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "| Respect: %d/%d | Smrti: %d | Droga: %d | Materiali: %d | Tim: %s | Rank: %s | Ubojstva: %d | Upozorenja: %d |\n",coordsstring,exp,expamount,Deaths,drugs,mats,ttext,rtext, Kills,warned);
        format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "| Swat Rank: %s | Tactical Rank: %s | Forces Rank: %s | DD Manager: %d | LottoNr: %d | Pocinjeno zlocina: %d |\n",coordsstring,swatr,tacticalr,specialfr,drights,lotto,crimes);
        format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "| Health: %.1f | Pancirka: %.1f | IP: %s | Ribe: %d | Zadnje odlazenje: %s | Banan s duznosti: %d |\n",coordsstring, health, armour, Playersip, fishes, PlayerInfo[targetid][pWhyLeft], dban);
        format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "| Kljuc od kuce: %d | Kljuc od biza: %d | Najamni kljuc: %d | Interijer: %d | Virtual World: %d | Local: %d | Posao: %s |\n",coordsstring, housekey,bizkey,HireCar[targetid],intir,virworld,local,jtext);
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,841,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"|----------| Zivot Igraca",coordsstring,"OK","Izadji");
Hello,i wanted to make a stats dialog but when i compile all is good without errors or warning,but when i go to ingame,and i write /stats its only show one of this stats.like this
format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "| Kljuc od kuce: %d | Kljuc od biza: %d | Najamni kljuc: %d | Interijer: %d | Virtual World: %d | Local: %d | Posao: %s |\n",coordsstring, housekey,bizkey,HireCar[targetid],intir,virworld,local,jtext);
I dont know what is problem please help me,i am sorry coz mine grammar i aint good in grammar..
Thanks People!

Messages In This Thread
[Help] Stats in Dialog - by Equilibrium - 22.10.2010, 10:18
Re: [Help] Stats in Dialog - by Retardedwolf - 22.10.2010, 10:22
Re: [Help] Stats in Dialog - by Equilibrium - 22.10.2010, 10:24
Re: [Help] Stats in Dialog - by Retardedwolf - 22.10.2010, 10:28
Re: [Help] Stats in Dialog - by LarzI - 22.10.2010, 10:36
Re: [Help] Stats in Dialog - by Equilibrium - 22.10.2010, 10:49
Re: [Help] Stats in Dialog - by Babul - 22.10.2010, 11:31
Re: [Help] Stats in Dialog - by Equilibrium - 22.10.2010, 11:37

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