GivePlayerWeapon help

Hi sa:mp community. I have a problem with GivePlayerWeapon. When i executes the command, i dont get the gun. Thanks in advance.

pawn Код:
command(agiveweapon, playerid, params[])
    new WeaponN[ 60 ], Names[ 2 ][ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ], string[ 128 ], id, weaponid, ammo;
    if( sscanf( params, "ud", id, weaponid ) )
        if( Player[playerid][AdminLevel] >= 3 )
            SendClientMessage( playerid, SYNTAXMSG, "SYNTAX: /agiveweapon [playerid] [weaponid] [ammo] " );
        if( Player[playerid][AdminLevel] >= 3)
            if(IsPlayerConnectedEx(id) )
                if(weaponid >= 1 && weaponid < 47)
                    GetPlayerName( id, Names[ 0 ], MAX_PLAYER_NAME );
                    GetPlayerName( playerid, Names[ 1 ], MAX_PLAYER_NAME );
                    if(weaponid == 19)
                        SetPlayerSpecialAction(id, SPECIAL_ACTION_USEJETPACK);
                        format( string, sizeof( string ), "You have given %s a Jetpack (Weapon ID: 19).", GetName(id), weaponid);
                        SendClientMessage( playerid, WHITE, string);
                        format( string, sizeof( string ), "You have been given a Jetpack, from %s. ", GetName( playerid ) );
                        SendClientMessage(id, WHITE, string);
                        Player[id][HasJetpack] = 1;
                        format( string, sizeof( string ), "%s has been given weapon %d by %s.", Names[ 0 ], weaponid, Names[ 1 ] );
                        AdminActionsLog( string );
                        format( string, sizeof( string ), "[ADMINMSG:] %s gave a Jetpack to %s.", Names[ 0 ], Names[ 1 ] );
                        SendToAdmins( ADMINACTION, string, 0 );
                        GetWeaponName(weaponid, WeaponN, sizeof(WeaponN) );
                        GivePlayerWeapon(id, weaponid, ammo );
                        format( string, sizeof( string ), "You have given %s a %s (Weapon ID: %d).", GetName(id), WeaponN, weaponid);
                        SendClientMessage( playerid, WHITE, string);
                        format( string, sizeof( string ), "You have been given a %s, from %s.", WeaponN, GetName( playerid ) );
                        SendClientMessage(id, WHITE, string);

                        format( string, sizeof( string ), "%s has been given weapon %d by %s.", Names[ 0 ], weaponid, Names[ 1 ] );
                        AdminActionsLog( string );
                        format( string, sizeof( string ), "[ADMINMSG:] %s gave a %d(%s ,%d ) to %d.", Names[ 1 ], WeaponN, weaponid, ammo, GetName(id), Names[ 0 ] );
                        SendToAdmins( ADMINACTION, string, 0 );
                    SendClientMessage( playerid, SYNTAXMSG, "Invalid weapon ID." );
                SendClientMessage( playerid, SYNTAXMSG, "That player is not connected or isn't logged in." );
            SendClientMessage( playerid, SYNTAXMSG, "You are not authroized to use that command." );
    return 1;

Messages In This Thread
GivePlayerWeapon help - by Bates - 19.10.2010, 15:26
Re: GivePlayerWeapon help - by JaTochNietDan - 19.10.2010, 16:26
Re: GivePlayerWeapon help - by Bates - 19.10.2010, 17:13

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