Help with this anticheat of health.

You should read this tutorial I made: Understanding the SA-MP sync.

The most solid way to get a great anti-health hack would be to set all players' money to negative and use something like this (note that I can't test it at the moment):
This is just to illustrate what I'm suggesting, as it's easier than explaining in words!
pawn Код:
    Float:g_afPreviousHealth[ MAX_PLAYERS ], // This variable holds the last known health of each player
     bool:g_abIsSpawned[ MAX_PLAYERS char ]  // This variable defines wether a player is spawned or not

public OnPlayerConnect( playerid )
    g_abIsSpawned[ playerid ] = false; // The player just connected - not spawned

public OnPlayerStateChange( playerid, newstate, oldstate )
    if ( newstate == PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT || newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER || newstate == PLAYER_STATE_PASSENGER || newstate == PLAYER_STATE_SPAWNED )
    { // ^ If the new state is one of the states spawned players has ..
        if ( oldstate == PLAYER_STATE_NONE || oldstate == PLAYER_STATE_SPECTATING || oldstate == PLAYER_STATE_WASTED )
        { // ^ If the old state isn't one of the states spawned players has ..
            g_abIsSpawned     [ playerid ] = true;  // The player is now considered spawned
            g_afPreviousHealth[ playerid ] = 100.0; // Health is set to 100 when you spawn
    { // The new state is one that spawned players don't have
        g_abIsSpawned[ playerid ] = false;

public OnPlayerUpdate( playerid )
    GetPlayerHealth( playerid, s_fHealth ); // Get the current health
    if ( s_fHealth != g_afPreviousHealth[ playerid ] ) // Compare it to the last known health
        if ( s_fHealth > g_afPreviousHealth[ playerid ] )
        { // The new health is more than the previous!
                s_szMessage[ 64 ]
            format( s_szMessage, sizeof( s_szMessage ), "Health increased for player %d: %0.f -> %0.f", playerid, g_afPreviousHealth[ playerid ], s_fHealth );
            SendClientMessageToAll( -1, s_szMessage );
        g_afPreviousHealth[ playerid ] = s_fHealth; // Set the previous health to the new one
    return 1; // Never forget this in OnPlayerUpdate

Messages In This Thread
Help with this anticheat of health. - by The_Moddler - 19.10.2010, 00:05
Re: Help with this anticheat of health. - by vection - 19.10.2010, 05:44
Re: Help with this anticheat of health. - by Slice - 19.10.2010, 06:14
Re: Help with this anticheat of health. - by cessil - 19.10.2010, 10:52
Re: Help with this anticheat of health. - by Slice - 19.10.2010, 11:31
Respuesta: Help with this anticheat of health. - by The_Moddler - 19.10.2010, 16:45

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