help needed! /downloader/installer.

i need an installer+downloader for the next things lovely in englis.

email me if you can help me!

-Register and login dialog boxes (GUI)
-Car System (purchased by cmd / kupsamochod Grotti in the living room. Money for a car you have in your bank account)
-Insurance System
-System Houses (you have some money and ask the admin to give a home)
-System Businesses
-System of buying weapons (in Gunshopie)
-System trunk
-BW-System (If you have been brutally beaten you wait a little while)
-The selection of walking and able to choose the style of fighting
-Motor/car-vehicle system (to start the engine, type /start and to put it off /stop)
-Standard system objects (ipod, card, etc.)
-Dealer system
-System diseases
-report system like /report [id] [reason]
-System prison by a cop: Car kill, kill, etc Heli
-System / wezpake, / wezpaczke, / Duty
-Many different animations after the command / animhelp and / animpomoc
-New interior police
-Last waived if the system
-Good Anti-Cheat
-Already there is no command / Gateway is coming:
-System dynamiczngo opening gates, barriers when you press the mouse button (left mouse button, blint appear automatically)
-Tuning-saving system
-Lotto-system (cmd / Lotto)
-bank system [/deposit [amount] /withdraw [amount] /balance
-an admin system where admins got commands like lvl 1 admins can /spec [id] eject. and more admins lvl 2 eject, ban [24h] spec. aND MORE. ADMIN LVL 3 ALL. TILL LVL 5
-new army base [installed, working!]
-police jail system
-automatic fire alarm system that detechts fires, and calls firedep. [which does not go away whit a timmer but needs to get putted off by water of firedep.
-gate systen when nare a gate /open to open /close to close it [whit 10 sec automatic security close]

all the marked teks same as this i already got. try to help me finding or making the last things plz.
plz i need some one that can download+instal these on my server you wil get admin.

Messages In This Thread
help needed! /downloader/installer. - by [NATO]DANNY - 16.10.2010, 12:16
Re: help needed! /downloader/installer. - by Adam19993 - 17.10.2010, 14:01
Re: help needed! /downloader/installer. - by acade - 17.10.2010, 14:16
Re: help needed! /downloader/installer. - by Mauzen - 17.10.2010, 14:19
Re: help needed! /downloader/installer. - by [NATO]DANNY - 17.10.2010, 21:48

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