[Question] Random Float?

Okay, its working, but a few problems..
1. Very small results (as you said before: 0.0000something)
2. It prints lots of numbers (when I type /test) - I guess thats because of the loop
Well, I found my own way to random that code:

pawn Code:
new Float:randx1 = random(4);
new Float:randy1 = random(8);
new Float:randx = floatsqroot(floatdiv(randx1, 1.23));
new Float:randy = floatsqroot(floatdiv(randy1, 1.63));
Thanks anyway

Messages In This Thread
[Question] Random Float? - by Maxips2 - 15.10.2010, 19:00
Re: [Question] Random Float? - by mrmuffins - 15.10.2010, 19:32
Re: [Question] Random Float? - by Maxips2 - 15.10.2010, 19:49

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