[Include] [INC]gCheckpoint - Easy checkpoints by Grove! + [FS] Vehicle Exports

Heres a simple but useful checkpoint handler I just whipped up (Only took me 15 minutes, so if there are any problems, slap me and I'll fix them)

Remember, this is a checkpoint handler, not a streamer! Basically, this adds an additional parameter to checkpoints, being checkpointid, and returns the id allowing you to assign variables to each checkpoint.


CreatePlayerCheckpoint(playerid,Float,Float:y,Fl oat:z,Floatize); - Creates a checkpoint and shows it for the player.

RemovePlayerCheckpoint(playerid) - More or less the same as DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid), only, use this instead.

IsPlayerInCp(playerid,checkpointid) - Returns 1 if a player is in the checkpoint, and -1 if the player is not!



For installation, Read the readme!


Example Usage:
new Export;
  Export = CreatePlayerCheckpoint(playerid,4231.42,3747.0,3212.4,5);
  return 1;

  if(checkpointid == Export)
    //Do somthing!
  return true;

Messages In This Thread
[INC]gCheckpoint - Easy checkpoints by Grove! + [FS] Vehicle Exports - by Grove - 09.05.2008, 11:08
Re: [INC]gCheckpoint - Easy checkpoints by Grove! - by Grove - 09.05.2008, 11:24
Re: [INC]gCheckpoint - Easy checkpoints by Grove! + [FS] Vehicle Exports - by Snickers - 09.05.2008, 12:17
Re: [INC]gCheckpoint - Easy checkpoints by Grove! + [FS] Vehicle Exports - by Grove - 09.05.2008, 13:01
Re: [INC]gCheckpoint - Easy checkpoints by Grove! + [FS] Vehicle Exports - by whooper - 07.08.2008, 17:55
Re: [INC]gCheckpoint - Easy checkpoints by Grove! + [FS] Vehicle Exports - by BioFreeze - 19.11.2008, 16:19
Re: [INC]gCheckpoint - Easy checkpoints by Grove! + [FS] Vehicle Exports - by Grove - 19.11.2008, 16:21
Re: [INC]gCheckpoint - Easy checkpoints by Grove! + [FS] Vehicle Exports - by BioFreeze - 19.11.2008, 17:15
Re: [INC]gCheckpoint - Easy checkpoints by Grove! + [FS] Vehicle Exports - by Street-Fighter - 24.11.2008, 19:29
Re: [INC]gCheckpoint - Easy checkpoints by Grove! + [FS] Vehicle Exports - by BioFreeze - 24.11.2008, 20:15
Re: [INC]gCheckpoint - Easy checkpoints by Grove! + [FS] Vehicle Exports - by giedrius166 - 24.11.2008, 20:36
Re: [INC]gCheckpoint - Easy checkpoints by Grove! + [FS] Vehicle Exports - by krisis32 - 28.11.2008, 17:57
Re: [INC]gCheckpoint - Easy checkpoints by Grove! + [FS] Vehicle Exports - by KnooL - 30.01.2009, 06:24
Re: [INC]gCheckpoint - Easy checkpoints by Grove! + [FS] Vehicle Exports - by DorkAZoid - 03.04.2009, 09:45
[INC]gCheckpoint - Easy checkpoints by Grove! + [FS] Vehicle Exports - by jordydalstra-server - 08.04.2009, 11:57
Re: [INC]gCheckpoint - Easy checkpoints by Grove! + [FS] Vehicle Exports - by tolunay98 - 07.10.2009, 16:38
Re: [INC]gCheckpoint - Easy checkpoints by Grove! + [FS] Vehicle Exports - by Jay_ - 07.10.2009, 20:09

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