[Tutorial] [TUT] How to create modded cars in your script!

Originally Posted by MisterTickle
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Can you give me an idea of how to do this for cars that are loaded up via an array like MAX_VEH it loops that and goes through all the vehicles in a file and loads them up. Basically, I want it so when you mod your car In Game it will save to the userfile for the vehicle and load up when the server starts.
Hey...this is a bit late, but the solution will help if anyone else searches for this thread and has the same problem...

Basicly, the way i would do it is have an array made like...

pawn Code:
new carIDs[99]; // 99 being how many vehicles are loaded in the file...
Then when you load the vehicles.. i asume you use a loop of some sort? so you use

pawn Code:
carIDs[i] = CreateVehicle(); // i being the variable you use to loop....
Now the vehicle id is stored in carIDs[]...

Hope that makes sense..

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