Players doesn't die "properly"

I don't know what's the problem, but sometimes players doesn't die "properly". Someone kills them, and it is visible that they are death on the "death list", but they can still move with 0hp and others see them lying without health.

I've already set instagib variable to 1, but it doesn't helps.

Messages In This Thread
Players doesn't die "properly" - by Luka P. - 09.10.2010, 23:19
Re: Players doesn't die "properly" - by SampStunta - 10.10.2010, 07:28
Re: Players doesn't die "properly" - by Luka P. - 10.10.2010, 12:13
Re: Players doesn't die "properly" - by SampStunta - 10.10.2010, 12:21
Re: Players doesn't die "properly" - by Luka P. - 10.10.2010, 12:23
Re: Players doesn't die "properly" - by New_Player[USW] - 10.10.2010, 12:42
Re: Players doesn't die "properly" - by SampStunta - 10.10.2010, 12:55
Re: Players doesn't die "properly" - by Las Venturas CNR - 10.10.2010, 18:23
Re: Players doesn't die "properly" - by Luka P. - 10.10.2010, 19:07
Re: Players doesn't die "properly" - by [03]Garsino - 10.10.2010, 19:25

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