09.10.2010, 12:41
First of all: Thanks for the compliment in the PM you've sent me. ^^
Okey, so lets start with the code:
- This is the Filterscript you need:
And as you can see, we have at the top #include <dini>. We need the include, to read the next gamemode out of a file.
You have to download "dini" (Just search it on ******).
Before you load the filterscript, you have to create at: /scriptfiles/ a file called: GameMode.txt
When you have done this, just change the GameModes to your ones, and you are done.
If you have any questions, just let me know, and I will help you.
Okey, so lets start with the code:
- This is the Filterscript you need:
pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
#include <dini>
public OnFilterScriptInit()
SetTimer("GMswitch", 30000, 1);
return 1;
forward GMswitch();
public GMswitch()
new gm=strval(dini_Get("GameMode.txt", "LoadNext"));
case 0: { SendRconCommand("changemode FALLOUT"); gm++; }
case 1: { SendRconCommand("changemode ANOTHER"); gm++; }
case 2: { SendRconCommand("changemode ANOTHERONE"); gm++; }
case 3: { SendRconCommand("changemode ONEMORE"); gm++; }
case 4: { SendRconCommand("changemode DUNNOOOOO"); gm=0; }
new msg[10]; format(msg, 10, "%d", gm);
dini_Set("GameMode.txt", "LoadNext", msg);
return 1;
You have to download "dini" (Just search it on ******).
Before you load the filterscript, you have to create at: /scriptfiles/ a file called: GameMode.txt
When you have done this, just change the GameModes to your ones, and you are done.
If you have any questions, just let me know, and I will help you.