Server objects transparant after upgrading to 0.3B

The problem is that you use a 0.3a streamer, use a 0.3b streamer!
I use Incognito ( however its called ) streamer and i had no problems like this with it

Messages In This Thread
Server objects transparant after upgrading to 0.3B - by Danny - 09.10.2010, 09:04
Re: Server objects transparant after upgrading to 0.3B - by Gh0sT_ - 09.10.2010, 09:17
Re: Server objects transparant after upgrading to 0.3B - by Mean - 09.10.2010, 10:28
Re: Server objects transparant after upgrading to 0.3B - by Tommie1331 - 09.10.2010, 12:49

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