
To the best of my knowledge, I get around 100 - 150. My high-speed internet connection is really just an average-speed internet connection, so my facts may be a little off. I do own a total of 5 computers, usually their all on and doing something online. The occasional home-server download as well hurts the speed for some reason. Although, I think any ping below 200 is fine.

Messages In This Thread
Ping - by TheMarGTA - 08.10.2010, 12:06
Re: Ping - by Babul - 08.10.2010, 15:05
Re: Ping - by Hal - 09.10.2010, 01:59
Re: Ping - by Camacorn - 09.10.2010, 02:24
Re: Ping - by Scenario - 09.10.2010, 02:27

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