07.10.2010, 20:53
Fanboy. It's not all about the CPU, but also about the GPU, you know. Especially if he wants to run games, it's better for him to use AMD and spend the money he keeps from buying AMD instead of Intel on a high-end GPU like the Radeon 5870, because then 2 years later he can Crossfire, so his system will run the newest games for at least 4/5 years.
I also have two (about) 8 year old computers, one has AMD Athlon, the other Intel Pentium 4. The one with AMD had overheated MANY times, even with being used less and cleaned more. They both had basically the same cooling systems. Not only that, but the Intel one would run things much better, and never went above the 60% mark, even while playing GTA VC. The only differences between the two machines were the monitor and mouse.