06.10.2010, 08:46
Last edited by Rachael; 06/10/2010 at 09:11 AM.
I was wondering if anyone else uses variables for the channel identifier in IRC_JoinChannel and IRC_Say
The variables for the channel are loaded from a file, and I think this is where the problem originates. I have tried defining the channel variables in the script and it works fine. I have also tried formatting the strings to remove the \n from the end without success.
I know that strings loaded from files behave differently, can someone show me how to modify the loaded strings so they are the same as a string defined in the script.
[edit] ok someone helped me already, there is an \r on the end too..
pawn Code:
IRC_JoinChannel(botid,IRCchannel[i],""); //this works
IRC_Say(botid,IRCchannel[i],string); // I can't get this to work.
pawn Code:
[edit] ok someone helped me already, there is an \r on the end too..