whats wrong?

whats wrong with my jetpack command?
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
	if(strcmp("/jp", cmdtext, true,) == 0)
	new float:X, float:Y, float:Z;
	GetPlayerPos(playerid, X, Y, Z);
	CreatePickup(370, 3, X, Y, Z);
		return 1;
	return 0;
error report

: warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
: error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
: warning 213: tag mismatch
: warning 213: tag mismatch
: warning 213: tag mismatch
: warning 213: tag mismatch
: tag mismatch
: warning 213: tag mismatch

Messages In This Thread
whats wrong? - by nicoud - 03.10.2010, 21:30
Re: whats wrong? - by Conroy - 03.10.2010, 21:37

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