Linux - Plugins

I don't know If It has to do with Incognito's plugins or If It is any plugin,
but I'm trying to start my server with the audio plugin and the streamer plugin.

The streamer plugin has been working before, so It should work now.
Everything works perfectly fine on the windows server package, but running it on linux seems not to work.

Running: Debian
Plugin version: Streamer Plugin 2.5, Audio Plugin 0.4 (or w/e it is, the very latest)
Server Version: SA:MP 0.3b R2

All files and folders are CHMOD'ed to 777, even then I get the following error;

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3b R2, ©2005-2010 SA-MP Team

[21:16:00] Server Plugins
[21:16:00] --------------
[21:16:00]  Loading plugin: streamer
[21:16:00]   Failed (plugins/streamer: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[21:16:00]  Loading plugin: audio
[21:16:00]   Failed (plugins/audio: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[21:16:00]  Loaded 0 plugins.

[21:16:00] Filter Scripts
[21:16:00] ---------------
[21:16:00]   Loading filter script 'ERPObj.amx'...
[21:16:00]   Loaded 1 filter scripts.

[21:16:00] Script[gamemodes/ERP05.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[21:16:00] Number of vehicle models: 0
Using Filezilla to upload the files to the VPS.
Have been running the server there before, with the streamer plugin, without problems.
It is the same folder structure as the Windows server package, so It shouldn't be any problems at all with that.
- Yes i have the .so files instead of the .dll files, i aint stupid.

Messages In This Thread
Linux - Plugins - by Mike Garber - 02.10.2010, 19:13
Re: Linux - Plugins - by Mike Garber - 02.10.2010, 19:16
Re: Linux - Plugins - by The_Moddler - 02.10.2010, 19:40
Re: Linux - Plugins - by Mike Garber - 02.10.2010, 19:54

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