Pickup issues

Hello, im having a problem with onplayerpickuppickup....In my server when you die you drop the weapon you using at the moment...so i maked the player spawn a pickup type 1...So when you pick it up it gives u the weapon and self destroys...it works ok until the person dies 2 times in a row before pick up that item..so as an example if a person dies and drops an ak47 he comes back and dies again....you can grab the last ak 47..the first one stills there forever, no one else can touch it not even you...Whats the problem? its because 2 pickup haves same name or somethinG?

I just dont know how to fix that, tryed to delete every ak47 pickup before..and it wor ks, the first one spawnes deletes and a new one apears.but...if u pick it up it gives all weapons...WTF?? this haves no sense, and everything its ok its just if 2 picks up are at same time in the world the older one will get glitched and cant be picked up...so probably i will have to add a timer to pick up the weapon or it dissapears, but i dont know how exactly to do it, most times i add a timer in this game it makes random weird stuff, and loops forever even when i set the loop option to 0

Messages In This Thread
Pickup issues - by JulietaZ - 02.10.2010, 02:37
Re: Pickup issues - by Rachael - 02.10.2010, 03:08
Re: Pickup issues - by JulietaZ - 02.10.2010, 03:23
Re: Pickup issues - by Rachael - 02.10.2010, 03:27
Re: Pickup issues - by JulietaZ - 02.10.2010, 03:31

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