Small command error.

Awesome, it works, thanks a lot. !
But, when he dies it spawns him back while doing the animation, how can I make him do the animation, while staying exactly where he died ? and then after using the command moving him to a certain point ! ?

Messages In This Thread
Small command error. - by Scriptissue - 29.09.2010, 09:20
Re: Small command error. - by Calgon - 29.09.2010, 09:29
Re: Small command error. - by Scriptissue - 29.09.2010, 10:26
Re: Small command error. - by [XST]O_x - 29.09.2010, 10:35
Re: Small command error. - by Scriptissue - 29.09.2010, 11:14
Re: Small command error. - by Scriptissue - 29.09.2010, 11:39
Re: Small command error. - by HyperZ - 29.09.2010, 11:50
Re: Small command error. - by Scriptissue - 29.09.2010, 12:36
Re: Small command error. - by rbN. - 29.09.2010, 12:40
Re: Small command error. - by Scriptissue - 29.09.2010, 12:50

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