28.09.2010, 20:37
Последний раз редактировалось niCe; 28.09.2010 в 22:02.
Im guessing you also dont use anything like malloc/the native properties then?
Can you give us any ideas you have at all? Try to think when the problem started / what you added to your game mode. It might help someone uncover something (atm we have nothing to go off of, so its a bit difficult). Try to give as much relevant information as you can :\. |
Well, I'm not aware of anything in my gamemode what could cause this excessive usage. Albeit I use few large local arrays (up to 8192 cells) for dialogs, but I believe it's not the sake of this issue. Anyway, I guess this may be an external attack or some leak, since this issue is appearing very randomly for about a last week (no evidence in last 2 days though). I just wonder if anyone else has been experiencing anything like this?