Chat animation

No! Ignore the "wired"..
I want them to use animation chat when they speak..

Messages In This Thread
Chat animation - by Hamza' - 28.09.2010, 12:23
Re: Chat animation - by <Weponz> - 28.09.2010, 12:36
Re: Chat animation - by Hamza' - 28.09.2010, 12:50
Re: Chat animation - by [XST]O_x - 28.09.2010, 12:52
Re: Chat animation - by Hamza' - 28.09.2010, 12:56
Re: Chat animation - by <Weponz> - 28.09.2010, 13:00
Re: Chat animation - by Hamza' - 28.09.2010, 15:25
Re: Chat animation - by [XST]O_x - 28.09.2010, 15:26

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