TOP 5 problem

Hello. I have a problem when setting new record on top 5. If i was on the first place and other beats my record, i am removed from top 5. But i want to set my record one step down, to second place (but if i broken not my own record, because it would be two of me in TOP 5: first and second).

pawn Код:
stock UpdateKillsTop(killerid,kills)
    new playername2[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    GetPlayerName(killerid, playername2, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
    new recordflag=-1;
    //Init to -1 or it will be 0 and fail to work
    new pflag=-1;
    for(new i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    //run through highscorelist to see if new highscore
        if (TopKills[i] == 0)
    //check if record is not set (0) previously
            TopKills[i] = 0;
    //if no previous record, set dummy record
        if (strcmp(TopKillsNames[i], playername2) == 0 && pflag ==-1)
        { //check for personal best score
            pflag = i;
          //mark where best personal record is
        if (kills > TopKills[i] && recordflag ==-1 && (pflag == -1 || pflag == i) )
        {               //new record
               //personal flag must always be equal or nonexistant (-1) for a valid (personal) record
            recordflag = i;
            //Record number
    if (recordflag>-1)
    //new highscore
    new tmp1[255];
    format(tmp1,sizeof(tmp1),"Top5/Kills.txt");     //time to update list (file)
        for(new i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            if(i == recordflag)
            //record goes to correct place in list
                TopKills[i] = kills;
                TopKillsNames[i] = playername2;
            if(strcmp(TopKillsNames[i], playername2)==0)
 //skip all records that matches racername
            if(TopKills[i] == 0)
    //ignore dummy records
    //write from old record list

Messages In This Thread
TOP 5 problem - by BuLLeT[LTU] - 26.09.2010, 14:50
AW: TOP 5 problem - by Nero_3D - 26.09.2010, 15:49
Re: TOP 5 problem - by BuLLeT[LTU] - 26.09.2010, 16:42
Re: TOP 5 problem - by BuLLeT[LTU] - 26.09.2010, 16:50
AW: TOP 5 problem - by Nero_3D - 26.09.2010, 16:55
Re: TOP 5 problem - by BuLLeT[LTU] - 26.09.2010, 17:37

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