26.09.2010, 05:39
Последний раз редактировалось iFriSki; 26.09.2010 в 05:45.
Причина: Adding something, again..
The thing is Mike, decisions in a good RP server with people who know what they're doing don't think of it before hand. It just happens where decisions are happening within 1-2 seconds at most. Sometimes you'll see two people flip a coin for an action that may be changing the way the outcome is. I really, really dislike having to role-play a scene that is thought out before hand, or planned in a "out-of-character" conversation. It feels extremely boring when it happens like that, as I know what will happen.
You need to remember in a server with players online your virtual characters meets virtual people. To your virtual character, they're real people that he has never seen before. Most servers have cops and gang bangers by default.
I love the fast paced RP where things change constantly and everyone isn't in it to win it. The ones who like role-playing a cramp in their arm or leg, the weapon jamming, or something going utterly wrong within reason. And I truly love playing with the ones who can role-play a retarded character, or one with an extreme case of paranoia well.
It's hard to explain, and there's a few basic rules you need to understand before you can actually do it without being yelled at. The problem with just joining a server and trying to learn is always discouraging as a majority of the SA:MP players are preadolescence kids that resort to name calling when you ask how to do something.
Had to make an example that would grab your attention, as saying something typical would be vaguely boring. But thanks for the compliment. Was something I threw together as I wrote.
You need to remember in a server with players online your virtual characters meets virtual people. To your virtual character, they're real people that he has never seen before. Most servers have cops and gang bangers by default.
I love the fast paced RP where things change constantly and everyone isn't in it to win it. The ones who like role-playing a cramp in their arm or leg, the weapon jamming, or something going utterly wrong within reason. And I truly love playing with the ones who can role-play a retarded character, or one with an extreme case of paranoia well.
It's hard to explain, and there's a few basic rules you need to understand before you can actually do it without being yelled at. The problem with just joining a server and trying to learn is always discouraging as a majority of the SA:MP players are preadolescence kids that resort to name calling when you ask how to do something.
Wow, you should write a fiction book, I would read it :P I was so engrossed in that story xD. |