respawn all cars with a command?

if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/respawncars", true))
	    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_VEHICLES; i++)
        new name[ 24 ], string[ 64 ];
        GetPlayerName( playerid, name, 24 );
        format( string, sizeof(string), "%s has respawned the cars", name );
        GameTextForAll( string, 1000, 1 );
	    return 1;

Messages In This Thread
respawn all cars with a command? - by Face9000 - 25.09.2010, 21:12
Re: respawn all cars with a command? - by FireCat - 25.09.2010, 21:18
Re: respawn all cars with a command? - by ScottCFR - 25.09.2010, 21:20
Re: respawn all cars with a command? - by [XST]O_x - 25.09.2010, 21:25

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