24.09.2010, 22:11
Последний раз редактировалось Prozack; 30.12.2010 в 02:22.
Причина: new info item on url
Instructions (
1. Unpack BotSpawn_fs.rar
2. Put botspawn_fs.amx and botspawn_fs.pwn in your filterscripts folder.
3. Put globals.inc in your Pawno/Include folder.
4. Add botspawn to your server.cfg -- on the filterscripts line....
5. Start Server
To modify botspawn locations - edit globals.inc and recompile.
[/crank generator]
The current build can require up to 10 playerslots. This is being addressed.

1. Unpack BotSpawn_fs.rar
2. Put botspawn_fs.amx and botspawn_fs.pwn in your filterscripts folder.
3. Put globals.inc in your Pawno/Include folder.
4. Add botspawn to your server.cfg -- on the filterscripts line....
5. Start Server
To modify botspawn locations - edit globals.inc and recompile.
[/crank generator]
The current build can require up to 10 playerslots. This is being addressed.