Anti IP

Ey, I ain't get it anymore:P
I made this:
             new IPString[128];
	for(new i=0;i<9;i++)
Ofcourse I know it won't work, only if the ip is like
But that will never happen :P
I though maybe somebody know how to let this thing detect for every %d the number 0 - 9.
I know there is a way maybe. But I have no idea how :P

Messages In This Thread
Anti IP - by KaleOtter - 19.09.2010, 15:38
Re: Anti IP - by Bessensap - 19.09.2010, 15:45
Re: Anti IP - by Voldemort - 19.09.2010, 15:45
Re: Anti IP - by wups - 19.09.2010, 15:46
Re: Anti IP - by KaleOtter - 19.09.2010, 15:51
Re: Anti IP - by KaleOtter - 19.09.2010, 16:04
Re: Anti IP - by Mike_Peterson - 19.09.2010, 16:06
Re: Anti IP - by KaleOtter - 19.09.2010, 16:19
Re: Anti IP - by wups - 19.09.2010, 19:06
Re: Anti IP - by Bessensap - 19.09.2010, 21:56

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