Several cmds questions

answer on 1st: check the number of parameters in apply animations
answer on 2nd: there are lots of countdowns scripts on the forums here and i dont have time to script it atm.
answer on 3th: use variables for example
on top of your script

new stolenthings;
then at ur /steal command or sumthing

    if(!strcmp("/steal", cmdtext,true))
      if(stolenthings == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF9900AA,"You already stolen the things.");
     // bla bla bla sendclientmessage things etc...
     stolenthings = 1; // this on end so now you got stolenthings
to sell
 if(!strcmp("/sell", cmdtext,true))
        if(stolenthings == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF9900AA,"You dont have things to sell.");
        // bla bla bla sendclientmessage things etc... again
     stolenthings = 0;
no idea if this works :P this has been scripted on the forums so i didnt use pawno or summing :P

Messages In This Thread
Several cmds questions - by nejc001 - 13.09.2010, 18:23
Re: Several cmds questions - by Mike_Peterson - 13.09.2010, 19:55
Re: Several cmds questions - by nejc001 - 14.09.2010, 13:56
Re: Several cmds questions - by nejc001 - 15.09.2010, 08:36
Re: Several cmds questions - by PinkFloydLover - 15.09.2010, 09:07
Re: Several cmds questions - by Mike_Peterson - 15.09.2010, 14:42
Re: Several cmds questions - by nejc001 - 15.09.2010, 15:43
Re: Several cmds questions - by nejc001 - 16.09.2010, 14:30

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