GetPlayerCameraUpVector lost?

I believe you can use GetPlayerFrontVector then find the up (perpendicular) vector using dot products, I can't remember how this is done. Maybe the up vector was being sent over network and was removed to save bandwidth since we can calculate it ourselves. The front vector is usually used more than the up vector, one is just a rotated version of the other if I've understood the function correctly.

Messages In This Thread
GetPlayerCameraUpVector lost? - by RSX - 12.09.2010, 10:12
Re: GetPlayerCameraUpVector lost? - by Voldemort - 12.09.2010, 10:18
Re: GetPlayerCameraUpVector lost? - by RSX - 12.09.2010, 10:23
Re: GetPlayerCameraUpVector lost? - by Simon - 12.09.2010, 10:44
Re: GetPlayerCameraUpVector lost? - by RSX - 12.09.2010, 12:19

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