General Queries:[Admin related]

Ok, I've recently became an admin on a few small DM/Gang war/stunt servers, and I've a few questions regarding hackers and the types of hacks they possess.

Note: The purpose of this thread is NOT to advertise hacking in any way. Rather to better prepare SA-MP admins in their quest for domination over hacking dirt bags. xD

Vehicle [VHP] Hacks: Consist of all of the following.
Absoulte God Car: Meaning, no matter what their car CANNOT be destroyed. VHP always remains at 100%.
Auto-Repair: Just like the name sounds, whenever the vehicle takes damage it instantly repairs back to 100%
Custom Button Repair: I suppose there is a cheating engine that allows you to repair your car at the push of one button. It may be used at any time.
VHP "lock-in": Pretty much the same as 'Absolute God Car' except that it "locks in" a player's VHP at a certain number. (which ever number they activated it on). No matter how much you shoot the individual's vehicle, the VHP will not deviate from this "locked in" number)

My questions:
○ Is /dl ever wrong? Is the information it displays ever incorrect?
○ Can a hacker repair a car from the passenger seat?
○ I've noticed a few vehicles (whilst using /dl) have a VHP of ~65000. Is there a cheat engine that has some setting for this?
○ Isn't there a way (using /dl) that will tell you whether a car was spawned by a hacker or not? (Preloaded)
○ Is there any other things an experienced SA-MP player can inform me about regarding VHP hacks and how to recognize them?

Health [HP] Hacks: Consist of all of the following.
Auto heal: When engaged, the player "auto-regenerates" health and even armor (if they have it). After said player is shot, the armor/health automatically restores, making the player impossible to kill.
Absolute God Mode: Meaning, no matter what said player CANNOT be killed, whether by a huge fall, sawnoff bullets, minigun, carpark, etc. This is similar to the 'Absolute God Car' as stated above.
'CAINEMVHZC': This is the single player cheat (for PC) that makes you "partially invincible", meaning you won't take damage from bullets, yet you will from fire/falls/drowning/car-parking/explosions.
HP/ARMOR "lock in": Similar to the "lock-in" VHP cheat as stated above.

My questions:
○ Is there anything I missed as far as HP hacks? Are there any other types I should be on the lookout for?
○ Is the "CAINEMVHZC" method really used in SA-MP? I've noticed there is at least something like it. On this one server I administrate, we have a /slap command which knocks them up in the air causing them to suffer a "fall" type injury. The player will take damage from the fall, yet seems impervius to bullets. o.O
○ Is there anything else I should know about this?

Other questions:
○ When a hacker spawns a jetpack the "pickup" isn't synced, right? Meaning that other players CANNOT see it and therefore CANNOT use it.
○ Is there an "anti-eject" hack, and if so, what should I call it?
○ What is "tank mode"? I've seen it used in ban reasons before, but I'm not too sure as to what that really is. (spawning a tank?)
○ Is there an invisible hack? I think the answer is yes, and if so... explain it a bit please.
○ Is there a hack that makes your weapons "stronger"? or is that just some editing of the GTA:SA files?
○ Is there a form of the "megapunch" hack in SA-MP?
○ Is there a "skin changing" hack?
○ What is this "CJ hack" I hear so much about?
○ Is there anything else regarding hacks that an experienced SA-MP player can give me some insight about?

-If I think of any other questions regarding this matter, I'll post back in this thread. I'd appreciate any help you guys can give me greatly. Thanks! Cheers from FL, USA.

PS: There's no need to really "format" your responses in any way. Just simply answer any of my questions that you are able to. "Shout them out" in any manner.

Messages In This Thread
General Queries:[Admin related] - by I_bust_nuts - 12.09.2010, 05:14
Re: General Queries:[Admin related] - by Brandon [RX:RP] - 12.09.2010, 05:29
Re: General Queries:[Admin related] - by iFriSki - 12.09.2010, 05:34
Re: General Queries:[Admin related] - by miokie - 12.09.2010, 07:34
Re: General Queries:[Admin related] - by speedruntrainer - 13.09.2010, 21:18
Re: General Queries:[Admin related] - by Sky4D - 13.09.2010, 22:56

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