09.09.2010, 15:54
But I'd like to see what Y_Less has to say to this topic...he'll probably have those really long but helpful information paragraphs.
Firstly your division symbol is backwards. You may also want to explain the difference between integer and float division: "15 / 2 = 7" in ints and "7.5" in floats.
List of symbols you missed (and you REALLY need to read pawn-lang to see what symbols do before posting a tutorial stating that you don't know what they do, there's not really much point in that is there)?
>>> (not >>)
- (unary)
I wrote an extensive review of the symbols a long time ago, but it's long gone, shame, I know Simon loved it.
That also really didn't explain binary, and you didn't mention hex at all.
What I do when writing a tutorial is write it in a file on my PC (I have a few unpublished topics floating about). I can then take time over them and research bits I don't know, instead of producing something where I don't know half the information. Either restrict the scope of your topic to what you know or look up what you don't. If someone who doesn't know what "&" does, reading this topic is not going to help in the slightest.