[FilterScript] nBug (Currently Patches CBug + Desync Bug)

Originally Posted by Retardedwolf
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Just checked script its quite accurate except that it can be evaded for a few times but 90% the player will get detected
I've noticed that, but as you said it gets detected 90% of the times so they'll have problems abusing it anyway.

Not sure why it happens though.

Messages In This Thread
nBug (Currently Patches CBug + Desync Bug) - by Norn - 08.09.2010, 06:05
Re: nBug (Currently Patches CBug + Desync Bug) - by Retardedwolf - 08.09.2010, 06:19
Re: nBug (Currently Patches CBug + Desync Bug) - by Norn - 08.09.2010, 06:25
Re: nBug (Currently Patches CBug + Desync Bug) - by Calgon - 08.09.2010, 07:10
AW: nBug (Currently Patches CBug + Desync Bug) - by GooMan - 08.09.2010, 07:20
Re: nBug (Currently Patches CBug + Desync Bug) - by Slice - 08.09.2010, 07:21
Re: nBug (Currently Patches CBug + Desync Bug) - by Norn - 08.09.2010, 07:32
Re: nBug (Currently Patches CBug + Desync Bug) - by Retardedwolf - 08.09.2010, 08:18
Re: nBug (Currently Patches CBug + Desync Bug) - by Norn - 08.09.2010, 09:14
Re: nBug (Currently Patches CBug + Desync Bug) - by Slice - 08.09.2010, 10:40

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