[REQUEST] Please help me how to add menu for drinks?

So i have saw this in some servers in some places out from burg not in interrior there have create map in mta and there have a drinks in dialog when you go to the pickup he shows you a drinks to chouse like Wine Beer CocaCola Pepsi and it have prices and it gives you a heal. But when you get ciggarete you get a real animation with cigg and with other drinks with wine you get a wine and with beer you get beer animations with object...

In old samp forum i have saw that Drinks Bar but i cant find now i was searching but nothing.
And i found a one command like to get /ciggarete

	if (strcmp("/cigarette", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
		SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You are smoking now!");
		SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "To stop smoking pull ENTER.");
		return 1;
	return 0;
So can you help me to make a menu system when i type like /drinks to show me a drinks in dialog and to can chouse what drink or cigarette i want. But to make that command in some place i know how to find cords X ,Y,Z.. Please help me ! Thanks

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