yet another question

Ok, first of all you need to find a good spot for your camera to be placed.
Get the coords for the position, and use SetCameraPos + TogglePlayerControllable to freeze the player and look at the cars.
Spawn the first car in the line with CreateVehicle and show a textdraw for the player (which obviously already is made under OnGameModeInit).
Use variables to declare if player is scrolling through vehicles, and if he is (variable = true), use OnPlayerKeyStateChange to change vehicle (DestroyVehicle, CreateVehicle) and of course the textdraw (TextDrawHideForPlayer, TextDrawSetString, TextDrawShowForPlayer).

As Ironboy said, fsdebug includes this type of function, so you should really look it up and learn from it.

Good luck :]

Messages In This Thread
yet another question - by WillyP - 04.09.2010, 21:01
Re: yet another question - by Vince - 04.09.2010, 21:04
Re: yet another question - by Ironboy500[TW] - 04.09.2010, 21:05
Re: yet another question - by Backwardsman97 - 04.09.2010, 21:06
Re: yet another question - by WillyP - 04.09.2010, 21:08
Re: yet another question - by Ironboy500[TW] - 04.09.2010, 21:19
Re: yet another question - by WillyP - 04.09.2010, 21:35
Re: yet another question - by Ironboy500[TW] - 04.09.2010, 21:38
Re: yet another question - by WillyP - 04.09.2010, 21:48
Re: yet another question - by LarzI - 04.09.2010, 22:01

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